About us

Experience and why choose us

Università dei Sapori is a Training and Culture Center of Food and Hospitality which for over twenty years has been spreading and developing skills and professionalism in the catering sector and food distribution in Italy and around the world.

Università dei Sapori is able to accompany the professional growth of its students with a wide and articulated training offer that begins with the fulfillment of the educational obligation, with ad hoc courses and integrated courses, which can then continue with post-secondary higher education. diploma, degree or post-degree, to get to that of specialization for employed in the sectors of HORECA and GDO, passing through a series of qualification courses in cooking, pastry, white art and bar area for the over 18 who want to enter the world of work with the right skills.

Employment rate

Since 1996 Università dei Sapori has been responding to the needs of companies and the needs of the labor market, developing a constant dialogue with the business world, thus becoming a point of reference for the entire sector and in all areas in which issues are addressed and developed. related to tourism and food and wine.

Continuous professional updating, support in starting up their own businesses and in corporate repositioning, complete the services offered for companies in the food and wine, catering, hospitality and food distribution sectors.

Università dei Sapori not only promotes training but among its primary objectives is the defense of hospitality and the Italian agri-food culture, accentuating the health aspect, through the collaboration with research centers, nutrition experts and qualified agronomists, of renown. international.

Furthermore, Università dei Sapori is a privileged access channel to the world of work, favoring the meeting of students with great professionals through the activation of internships and internships in prestigious companies: over 90% of our students find stable employment at the end of the training course with job positions in their qualification sector. 

Teachers and Chefs,

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culture of

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